Weather & Location Targeting

Run Ads Based On Weather and More...

You have a weather sensitive business, you need more people when there are specific weather conditions.  Haven't been able to do this before without manually adjusting ads constantly?  We have a solution for you and it goes well beyond just weather events.  See below for more information.   

Learn How To Activate Ads By Weather Conditions

Next Gen Targeting Capabilities

Do what others can't & don't
The trick is running a combination of the following with weather events.  Anyone can do the individuals, maybe not great, but they can do it.  We layer in weather to deliver super precise audiences.

Ads based on weather

Current conditions all the way out to a three day forecast.  Pick the condition you want to trigger your ads.  Snow, Rain, Hot, Cold, Storms, Humidity, Overcast, Sunny, and more.

Ads based on visiting a physical location

Trigger ads for folks who have visited a specific physical location right down to a specific property or event location.

Ads based on demographics

Age, Sex, Income, and all demographic data is available for targeting.

Ads by publisher categories

Display ads only in specific publisher categories.

Ads by device

Choose the devices you want to  target, run on those only.  No wasted impressions if you need specific devices.

Ads by "drive-to" locations

Audiences that can drive to your location, give them the option to do so.
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