
The Magic Marketing Formula

The recipe for success has many components, but let's assume for the purpose of this writing, that you have a quality product/solution/service that people want and you can deliver world class customer experience. With that major assumption out of the way, we can move on to how a company will always win in the long run. 

The magic formula for massive success is to give, give, give, give, and give some more.  Then, maybe, you can ask for something in return.  What I'm basically saying here is that you need to provide a ton of value to people without expecting a thing in return.  If you have that mindset and follow it, you will get more than you ever could have imagined for a return.  The best part is, you won't be asking for anything. 

Let's say you are a Chiropractor and you hope to one day run a chain of offices across the United States.  Your absolute best path to getting the attention you need to pull this off is to become an expert, a known name, in your craft.  To do this, you need to provide people with lots and lots of valuable content on a regular basis for free and ask for nothing in return.  Videos, articles, audio, whatever you can do.  Provide tips, exercise ideas, common problems, common resolutions, etc.  Do it on a regular (daily preferred) basis.  This is going to eventually, if the content is good, bring you more than you could have ever wished for. 

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